Outside Your Home

To water your lawn without wasting water, water your lawn for long periods a couple of times a week, rather than for short periods every day. This allows for deep penetration of the water. An inch a week is a good rule of thumb, but this varies for different grasses. If you want to find out exactly how long to water, put some large cans or jars around your lawn and see how long you have to run your sprinkler to fill the jars with the right amount of water.

During times of drought, PUCI may set allowable times for lawn watering. When this happens, be sure to follow the rules as long as they are in force.

Water early in the morning to avoid excessive evaporation; it is usually less windy then too, and the water pressure is usually higher. Use a sprinkler that makes large drops, because small drops evaporate faster. Watering your lawn with a hand-held hose is a waste of both your time and your water, although it might be okay for a small garden.

Try to avoid watering paved areas and don’t use your hose to wash sidewalks or driveways. Both of these practices waste a lot of water.

Plant watering can be reduced by selecting xeriscape (which means low-water-demanding) plants, or native plants, which provide an attractive landscape without high water use.